Saturday, June 20, 2009

JMB Training Programme

Dear All,

Peter has responded to my enquiry on the Joint Management Board that they at CONDOMINIUM, APARTMENT and HIGHRISE COMMITTEE are organising.

(As at 22nd June 2009: I am planning a session on the 11th at Kelana Jaya.....I have place for 8 more...... Peter)

Kindly respond to this post or email your interest to participate to me at and we shall reserve a place for you. Currently there are two interested residents.

Emily, Council Committee Member

Please note that for each session, we suggest a maximum of 20 participants. See attached broucher below.

We are non-profit making but we do need to cover our costs and give some allowances to our volunteers. Therefore we are "charging" RM50 per person. Out of the twenty, we also strongly suggest that 16 are paid and for organiser to allow at least 4 from low cost to attend for FREE. This being part of community services.

Therefore in your area, if you do have 16 + 4 people, and a place, please let me know than a special session can be organised specifically for your area.

Failing which, I would be more than delighted to include your JMC team in the next available session in the PJ area.

The session can be in english or english/malay.

Normally I would prefer to do so with participants from a few different condos/apartments instead of all from the same condo. The reason is to also encourage net-working.

I would try to set up something for mid July and maybe group you guys up with other condos.

Will keep you informed.

~~~~~ * ~~~~~
Bengkel 663 Taklimat
Bengkel Akta 663 ini bertujuan untuk memberikan peserta-peserta panduan praktikal mengenai perundangan serta tugas dan tanggungjawab ahli-ahli dan ahli jawatankuasa Badan Pengurusan
Bengkel dan taklimat ini dijadualkan untuk selama 3jam dan melibatkan taklimat serta bengkel penyertaan peserta dan sessi soal-jawab.
Untuk memastikan penyertaan sepenuhnya oleh semua peserta, maka setiap sessi Bengkel – Taklimat dihadkan kepada 20 orang peserta (maksima)
Kos penyertaan hanya
seorang peserta (termasuk sijil penyertaan)

untuk pertanyaan - sila hubungi
Tengku Nazaruddin – 012 284 9146
Peter Chong – 012 905 9948

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