The Dialogue with the Management Council (MC) started at 4.00pm sharp with Ms Sathyia taking the floor, joined later by Puan Sharifah and Mr Alex.
We were informed that the Chairman, Mr Pang as at 11th March 2009; having received the payment from the sale of his unit at Casaria, is no longer eligible to hold the post. We were further informed that there are currently only three (3) council members with an addition (reserved) member but two of them are not present.
The residents were informed that the council committee was formed in March 2008 when only a handful out of the 120 registered owners attended the AGM, with the formal hand over by Syarikat Maluri (SM) in October. The MC was given RM10,000.00 by SM to open a bank account; this amount was separated into 50/50 for maintenance fees and sinking fund. After 90 days (3 months) a further sum of RM270,000.00 was handed over to the said MC by SM, this has since kept in a fixed deposit account. The MC has since been running on monthly collections of the maintenance fee and sinking funds. To date there is an outstanding debt of RM1 million in unpaid maintenance fees and sinking fund from the hand of SM.
Ms Sandra R of unit no: 255-xx-xx has expressed to the two council members present, namely Pn Sharifahh and Mdm Sathyia at the dialogue in the presence of Mr Alex of the maintenance company that majority of the residents wish to re appoint Syarikat Maluri to run the maintenance and upkeep of the Casa Ria Apartment complex; and Syarikat Maluri has expressed their willingness to this effect.
In light of the time frame required and due to the beginning of 'Ching Bing' which might result in the unavailability of enough participants, the EOGM as requested by Sandra was deemed unsuitable, we then agreed to a AGM to be held on Sunday, 26 April 2009, at 3.00pm at the Multi-Purpose located on the ground floor of the tower block. This AGM will be to elect a new Council Committee to run the management company (PPCR).
Procedure will be: if there are not enough forums at 3.00pm sharp, there will be a half hour wait after which, if the situation persists; the AGM will be postponed to be held a week later on Sunday, 3 May 2009, at 3.00pm at the same venue.
Requirement to qualify to be elected Council Members:
Must be registered owners on the strata titles with fully paid up maintenance fees.
Availability to Vote:
Proprietors and 1st chargee (bank) according to the Malaysian Statute with paid up of maintenance fees and sinking funds to 28th February 2009.
With the business of the Dialogue in regards to the matters of AGM having been dealt with; the dialogue was opened to the floor to hear the residents’ complaints and the response from the maintenance company.
We were updated that the repairs for the auto-gate sensors will commence this week after the insurance company had given them the go-ahead. Likewise for the repair works for the numerous potholes in the roads within the apartment complex which conditions further deteriorated with the closure of gates 1 and 2 and the rainy spell we are currently experiencing.
The residents also complained about the garbage disposal and the maintenance people on the ground. We were informed that the garbage trucks will be making their rounds to collect garbage three times a week at a charge of RM450.00 per month.
Discussion was also made on the idea of creating an auto-gate for Gate 3 with card sensers.
We were also updated that the defaulters of the maintenance and sinking fund fees will still be held responsible for paying up their debts in event they wished to sell their units. The relevant lawyers for the purchasing parties will be informed of any outstanding monies owed to PPCR/us.
But we are most concerned on how to ensure that current and future payments of maintenance and sinking fund fees are paid by those who are overdue currently for many months.
~Emily 255-x-xx
1 comment:
Finally we residents got to meet the MC of Casaria together with Mr Alec Tan from the management company. So I hope that the coming AGM will be attended by the interested residents to be able to elect a MC to work together with all the residents to take good care of our common property.
Hurray, the roads are being repaired, we only have to be a bit more patient. But please don't test our patience too long, because we had to put up with bad service for some time.
But we as residents should also do our part in taking care of our common property by throwing our rubbish in the proper rubbish holding places, use the equipment in the gym with care and don't lepas geram on the lift panel, the chairs at he swimming pool and other
Let this be a good start to something better than before.
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